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Moby-Dick: Pocket Edition with Gold Foil Edges


On board the whaling ship Pequod a crew of wise men and fools, renegades and seeming phantoms is hurled through treacherous seas by crazed Captain Ahab, a man hell-bent on hunting down the mythic White Whale. Herman Melville transforms the world of the whale ship into a crucible where mankind's fears, faith and frailties are pitted against a relentless fate.

Today Moby-Dick looms almost as large as the White Whale; preeminent among American prose epics, and one of the most profoundly imaginative creations in literary history. This pocket sized version of Moby-Dick features gold foiled edges, a ribbon bookmarker, and an afterword by British historian Nigel Cliff. 

Dimensions: 4" W x 1.4" D x 6.25" H