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The American Neptune, Vol. 60

£2.00 £6.00

“Scrimshaw” as a verb means to adorn, and as a noun it means a piece of work of this kind. Those scholars who pursue the study of scrimshaw are well represented by the articles presented in this issue of American Neptune produced by the Peabody Essex Museum in 2000 with collaboration from the Kendall Whaling Museum. This issue, which is Volume 60, Number 4, features the following articles along with book reviews and short notices: 

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: Frederick Myrick (1808-1862) by Stuart M. Frank
An Island off Shore: Frederick Myrick and the Nantucket Milieu by Michael A. Jehle
"Curiously Carved": Early Collections of Susan's Teeth, 1830-1921 by Daniel Finamore
Myrick's Scrimshaw: Benchmarks and Anomalies by Donald E. Ridley
The Scrimshaw of Frederick Myrick: The Rig and Rigging of the Whaling Vessels by Janet West