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Floodgates of the Wonderworld: A Moby-Dick Pictorial


Floodgates of the Wonderworld: A Moby-Dick Pictorial 
by Robert Del Tredici 

In time for the 150th anniversary of the publication of Moby-Dick, this remarkable body if work is sure to impress the literary and artistic communities with its stunning vision of this great American novel. Melville’s audacious epic Moby-Dick has found an illustrator equal to its mercurial text. This postmodern take on the great American novel boldly returns readers to the book’s roots as a transcendental vision of man and nature. Floodgates of the Underworld includes incisive commentaries by noted Melville scholars Elizabeth Schultz, Robert Wallace, and Jill Gidmark. They discuss the influence of Del Tredici’s images in students and scholars, the relationship of his work to other Moby-Dick illustrators, and the technical and aesthetic aspects of the silkscreen process.